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Suche: Shilling
49836 200 Shillings
200 Shillings
74208 George II., Shilling
George II., Shilling
16968 Victoria, 1/48 Shilling
Victoria, 1/48 Shilling
65780 100 Shillings
100 Shillings
ag19163 Charles I., Shilling
Charles I., Shilling
52324 Südafrikanische Republik, ...
Südafrikanische Republik, ...
29162 100 Shillings
100 Shillings
84027 Commonwealth, Unite of twen...
Commonwealth, Unite of twen...
52322 Südafrikanische Republik, ...
Südafrikanische Republik, ...
66328 George VI., 2 Shilling
George VI., 2 Shilling
16995 George V., 1/12 Shilling
George V., 1/12 Shilling
ag17623 10000 Shillings
10000 Shillings
78334 Diverse Nominale
Diverse Nominale
19501 George III., Shilling
George III., Shilling
62681 William III., Shilling
William III., Shilling
49839 20 Shillings
20 Shillings
96281 James I., Shilling
James I., Shilling
44483 50 Shillings
50 Shillings
68635 George II., Shilling
George II., Shilling
16984 Victoria, 1/12 Shilling
Victoria, 1/12 Shilling
16988 George V., 1/24 Shilling
George V., 1/24 Shilling
51245 Victoria, Shilling
Victoria, Shilling
44591 George III., Dollar zu 5 Sh...
George III., Dollar zu 5 Sh...
22708 Victoria, Shilling
Victoria, Shilling