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Suche: Shilling
23148 100 Shillings
100 Shillings
68640 George III., Shilling
George III., Shilling
51246 Victoria, Shilling
Victoria, Shilling
82815 100 Shillings
100 Shillings
25043 Satz
53918 Peter Herck II, General-Eic...
Peter Herck II, General-Eic...
19500 George III., Shilling
George III., Shilling
31724 George III., Shilling
George III., Shilling
15279 1000 Shillings
1000 Shillings
83746 10 Shillings
10 Shillings
eaus-187 Victoria, Shilling
Victoria, Shilling
77247 100 Shillings
100 Shillings
16966 Victoria, 1/52 Shilling
Victoria, 1/52 Shilling
13297 George III., 6 Shillings 1 ...
George III., 6 Shillings 1 ...
63053 10000 Shillings
10000 Shillings
49839 20 Shillings
20 Shillings
84027 Commonwealth, Unite of twen...
Commonwealth, Unite of twen...
74292 George III., 3 Shillings
George III., 3 Shillings
51257 Victoria, Shilling
Victoria, Shilling
44485 250 Shillings
250 Shillings
74291 George IV., Shilling
George IV., Shilling
44497 50 Shillings
50 Shillings
16982 Victoria, 1/12 Shilling
Victoria, 1/12 Shilling
52322 Südafrikanische Republik, ...
Südafrikanische Republik, ...