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Suche: Pound
86446 Republik, Pound
Republik, Pound
15891 5 Pounds
5 Pounds
29224 George V., Pound
George V., Pound
ag17010 Elizabeth II., 25 Pounds
Elizabeth II., 25 Pounds
65847 Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds
Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds
86459 Republik, 5 Pounds
Republik, 5 Pounds
97616 Elizabeth II., 5 Pounds
Elizabeth II., 5 Pounds
97650 Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds
Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds
54008 George III., Münzgewicht f...
George III., Münzgewicht f...
15748 50 Pounds
50 Pounds
89095 Elizabeth II., 25 Pounds
Elizabeth II., 25 Pounds
65848 Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds
Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds
33879 Victoria, 2 Pounds
Victoria, 2 Pounds
28680 Elisabeth II., 100 Pounds
Elisabeth II., 100 Pounds
88586 Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds
Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds
31046 Republik, 5 Pounds
Republik, 5 Pounds
84025 Elizabeth I., Pound of twen...
Elizabeth I., Pound of twen...
19851 Victoria, 2 Pounds
Victoria, 2 Pounds
29074 Elisabeth II., 5 Pounds
Elisabeth II., 5 Pounds
19875 Elizabeth II., 100 Pounds
Elizabeth II., 100 Pounds
33512 20 Pounds
20 Pounds
ag15412 Elisabeth II., 14 Ecus (10 ...
Elisabeth II., 14 Ecus (10 ...
12594 Elizabeth II., Pound
Elizabeth II., Pound
65846 Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds
Elizabeth II., 2 Pounds